At Altenburger we move things

At Altenburger, we are a team of international legal and tax experts. It is our firm belief that where solutions and opportunities become evident, things can get done. We achieve results. Results that matter to you and those around you.

As experts in all business law matters, we are committed to creating value for your enterprise. We will help you grow it, and protect it when it is at risk.

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Il debutto del nuovo accordo sulla fiscalità dei frontalieri
Das neue Doppelbesteuerungsabkommen zwischen Italien und Liechtenstein – Vorteile und konkrete Anwendungsfälle
Minimum taxation of multinational groups - Switzerland takes the plunge from 2024!
Novità fiscali 12/23: Attuazione in Svizzera del secondo pilastro: quo vadis?
Residenza fiscale ed iscrizione anagrafica norme vigenti e prospettive di riforma, nello specifico dei rapporti Italia-Svizzera
Update on the "Lex Minder" incorporation into the Swiss Code of Obligations – What does it mean for Termination Agreements of C-level employees in practice?